Niwasi App : It is for residents.

The App makes it easy for residents to act collectively,
to address their common challenges,
prioritize common amenities,
and drive changes.

This also helps the resident’s community
and society committee in
day-to-day management.

One can install Niwasi App on their mobile phone
from Play Store or iOS.

Niwasi Sabha - Resident's Meeting using Niwasi App


Niwasi App functions' YouTube Video

  1. निवासी सभा की तिथि और समय तय करना (अध्यक्ष के द्रारा
  2. निवासी सभा की तिथि और समय में बदलाव करना अध्यक्ष के द्रारा
  3. निवासी सभा की स्थिति में बदलाव करना अध्यक्ष के द्रारा

  4. निवासी द्वारा आने वाले मीटिंग पर अपना एजेंडा देना
  5. निवासी सभा में एजेंडा की प्राथमिकता तय करने के लिए वोट
  6. निवासी सभा के लिए उपस्थिति कोड जारी करना (अध्यक्ष के द्रारा
  7. निवासी सभा में उपस्थिति दर्ज करना
  8. निवासी सभा के समय एजेंडा की स्थिति में बदलाव करना (अध्यक्ष के द्रारा
  9. निवासी सभा में चर्चा के लिए लिये गए एजेंडा पर प्रस्ताव लिखा जाना (अध्यक्ष के द्रारा)
  10. निवासी सभा में लाए गए प्रस्ताव पर वोट देना
  11. निवासी सभा के निर्णय को देखना

  12. निवासियों की सूची देखना
  13. समुदाय की घोषणा देखना और विचार देना

Module List

Database for community

Streets, building, common space, land plots; Residents list including families and businesses; Stakeholder, asset, facilities, utilities

Service level tracking modules

Sanitation, waste disposal, drinking water etc;
Human development goal & Human rights; Identify beneficiary and benefits tracking

Democratic tools for Niwasi

Niwasi Sabha, Ideas on new initiatives and collective decision;
Election; Common interest group; Grievances related to services, complaint against resident’s undesired action


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Citizen rights

Budget analysis, right to information, raise demand to local bodies or govt. , social audit, moderation of open discussions, complaint cell, citizen charter of community


Celebration, Blood Donation Camp; Morning walkers Yoga etc club; Charity together,

Mutual support

Support residents in need (car problem, gas cylinder, minor accident, med. support etc. ); Available skills, resale etc

Access of popular feature of third party app

Newspaper, Govt. advisory, expert inputs, payment gateway for utilities like water, electricity. . .

Social amenities

Children’s park, Club house, Gym, library, open space, common parking, play zone, cricket ground…

Visitor modules

: Guest, home deliver security, household help visits

Security modules

Gate security, epidemic (like covid) safety, Ids issuing, visitor security, vehicle security.

Administration modules

Fee collection, asset, scheduling, announcements, penalties, annual event calendar, management.

Vendor or house help management modules

: Vendor or service person empanelment, electrician, plumber, maid, service grading, APNE - helping good vendors.

Information base

government schemes, service providers, citizen rights and duties, development goals.